BBQ Magazine

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Charred Lettuce

by Jemima Nelson


4 Romaine hearts (inner leaves of Romaine lettuce)

3 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp verjuice (local Sussex)

2 tsp chopped fresh herbs (rosemary, thyme, oregano) or 1 tsp of dried herbs

Salt and pepper

Serves 4-6


High direct heat



1. Pull off any old leaves and chop 1-2 inches off the lettuce heads. Shave the browned part of the root end, leaving the root intact to hold it together.

2. Whisk the oil, verjuice, herbs, salt and pepper in a small bowl. Brush the lettuce hearts with the vinaigrette.

3. Grill the lettuce hearts until browned on all sides, turning every 1-2 minutes. 

4. Serve immediately, whole or chopped up for a salad.