BBQ Magazine

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Dover sole with cannelini mash

One of the most majestic, delicious fish in the ocean, Dover sole is delicate, buttery and is always worth seeking out. Even better when grilled over charcoal for a complex sweet and meaty flavour. 


1 whole Dover sole, filleted

100g butter

Salt and pepper

1 small bunch thyme

250g cannellini beans

1 onion, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, chopped

50ml double cream

1 lemon, sliced

2 peppers, sliced


1. Bring your Kamado Joe to 180°C. 

2. Put a pan on the direct heat. Add a little butter, then add the onions and garlic. Fry for a couple of minutes, then add the beans and cream. Allow to simmer gently. 

3. Place a soapstone on to your Kamado Joe and allow it to heat up before placing the fish fillets on the stone. Cover with lemon slices, thyme and butter. Cook for 3-4 minutes. Add the sliced peppers to the heat separately. 

4. In the saucepan, mash the cannellini beans with a fork and season well with salt and pepper. Spoon on to your plate, add the fish and peppers on top.

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