BBQ Magazine

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Smoked lamb ribs, spiced honey baste

Yet another 3-2-1 ratio smoke-wrap-baste rib cook, this time using harder-to-find lamb ribs. The cooking times will be a little reduced because they are slimmer beasts than pigs. You might be looking at a one and a half hours’ smoke, an hour wrap and a 30-minute baste but as usual in BBQ, it’s done when it’s done.


1kg bone-in lamb breast

1 tbsp flaked sea salt

100ml apple juice

For the baste

2 tbsp coriander seeds

1 tbsp black peppercorns

2 tsp ground ginger

3 garlic cloves, crushed

4 tbsp runny honey

100ml apple cider vinegar


1. Dry-brine the lamb 24 hours before you want to cook. Sprinkle the salt all over and rub in well. Place on a rack set over a tray and slide into the fridge, uncovered, for 24 hours.

2. When you are ready to cook, fire up your barbecue ready for indirect cooking, aiming for an internal air temperature of around 130-140°C. Add 2-3 lumps of smoking wood to the fire.

3. Rest the ribs on the grill bars far away from the fire. Shut the lid and leave to smoke gently for 1 hour.

4. Take two large sheets of foil and lay them together as a double layer. Remove the rack of ribs from the grill and lay them on the foil, drawing up the sides to create a wall. Pour in the apple juice and seal up tight, keeping the seam on top. Rest back on the grill bars, again away from the fire, shut the lid and cook for another hour.

5. While the wrapped ribs are cooking, make the baste for the final stage. Set a small saucepan on the hob and add the coriander seeds and peppercorns. Toast for a minute or so then tip into a pestle and mortar and grind. Add the ginger, garlic and honey and stir to a paste. Pour in the apple cider vinegar and mix together to combine. Take to the barbecue along with a silicone basting brush.

6. Unwrap the ribs and set back onto the grill bars, again indirectly. Baste with a little of the honey and spice mixture then shut the lid. Keep cooking and basting every 5-10 minutes until the ribs are sticky and pass the tests for doneness – expect it to take another 30-40 minutes.

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Seared by Genevieve Taylor